In case you were wondering, yes, brands can get stale.
The good news is you don’t need to reinvent your brand completely to keep it fresh and exciting.
Visuals play an integral role in the health of your brand and they are one of the easiest things to update too.
But how do you know whether your brand is starting to look a little rough around the edges?
Here are some signs that it’s time to update your brand images:
Your Goals and Values Have Changed. If you’ve decided to take a different route with your brand, you need images that reflect your revised goals and values.
You Have Changed. Do you still look the same as you once did? If you want customers to trust you, your photos should match what they see in person.
There Is a Lack of Consistency. Perhaps you recently updated your website and logo – do your branding photos still match these new designs? Creating a more consistent image is essential for building customer trust.
There’s No Story. Branding and stories go hand in hand. If your images aren’t telling a clear story, it’s time for an update.
Your Images Don’t Stand Out. Headshots and standard product images are a dime a dozen – how do your images stand out? If there is nothing truly unique and memorable about your brand images, now is the right time to update them.
So, are your images missing the mark, or are they right on target? If you need some help redefining your brand using visuals, get in touch with us to schedule a consultation.